What Is Stewardship in the Bible?

A steward is another word for a trustee. A trustee is someone who manages property which belongs to someone else.

If you have been in church and heard the pastor speak about stewardship, the pastor probably uses the word as a synonym for tithing. A tithe is certainly an element of stewardship. But stewardship is a far larger concept which does not get the study it truly deserves.

Stewardship as a concept as actually very central throughout the Bible, even though the word itself is not necessarily used. For example, in Genesis 1:28 at the end of the creation account we read, “God blessed them; and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiple, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'”

In this one verse, we understand that

  • we did not create anything; God created and entrusted us with His handiwork;
  • we are called by God to subdue the earth; God entrusted the management and administration of the earth’s resources to us (like a trustee … or stewardship);
  • we are called to rule over the created order; God entrusted to us the management of animals, crops and all living things.

How are we doing? In this course, we will review the key elements of stewardship as we find them in the Bible. We will also discuss how we can best fulfill the calling that God gave us to administer and manage His creation.

As you are going through the course, consider this question: Does how we administer and manage the earth impact our life in God? If it does, then shouldn’t we try to understand what God is asking us to do?

The course is presented in a Bible study format.

pink piggy bank and white and red life preserver floating in water.

Personal Finance for Homeschoolers

Written by a Certified Financial Planner® Professional who is a product of homeschooling and a homeschool dad, Personal Finance for Homeschoolers focuses on case studies to apply the lesson material. The virtual course is divided into two sections – Personal and Business – and is designed for high school age students.

The personal finance lessons are geared toward everyday household finance. Lesson material draws on our client experiences. The business lessons are especially geared toward helping the student think about self-employment and how to operate a small business.

Each lesson opens with a pre-test. Pre-tests are non-graded assignments to gauge the student’s knowledge of the lesson topic. While pre-tests are not graded, they are still an important part of learning and applying the material. Grading is divided into four parts. One-fourth of the grade is based on projects and case study quizzes at the end of each lesson. The other three parts are divided equally among the following:

  1. Opening a bank account, either checking or saving. Of course, there is also a lesson which explains how to manage a bank account.
  2. Preparing a basic financial plan. The case study presents the student with an individual in financial trouble with few goals. The student’s task is to address a broken budget and help to develop goals.
  3. Preparing a business plan. At the end of the business lessons, a sample business plan is provided. The specific field of business is for the student to choose, and instructions are provided to help the student research the chosen field. The student is then to use the research and instructions to prepare a basic business plan.

Several lessons and assignments present the student with faith-based, Christian principles as they apply to the topic of money.

Although the course is fully online, a Teacher’s Guide is provided, so that the parent, guardian, or teacher can follow along with the student. Included in the Teacher’s Guide is additional material to develop a grading rubric for the financial plan and business plan.

Quizzes are auto-graded, and the student will be provided with explanations for why answers are correct and incorrect. The same material is provided in the Teacher’s Guide.

We hope you will have fun with the course!

Financial Principles for Christian Living

Does Jesus care about our money habits? Do our money habits impact our relationship with God? Could the way we handle money affect our spirituality?

Does God provide in times of need even if we are not seeking Him?

Perhaps a better question is will God intervene in our circumstances if we are not looking for Him to work? If we are not seeking after God, we really are not giving Him a reason to intervene. If He does intervene, how would we know He is at work if we are not seeking Him or not leaving room for Him to work?

God often intervenes when He will receive the glory. Would God intervene if He received no glory? He would obviously receive the recognition, gratitude, and glory if we are seeking Him and saw that He is at work.

These questions and more are discussed in this course. The primary object of this course is to integrate faith and money and provide essential financial principles which enhance our relationship with Jesus Christ. The course is presented in Bible study format.

Brought to you by:

Zacchaeus Financial Counseling, Inc.
http://zacchaeusfinancial.org/ • (866) 862-2220 • Facebook

Table of Contents

  • Welcome!
  • Money 1: Introduction to Bible Study on Money
  • Money 2: History of Money and Some Words from Jesus
  • Money 3: Providing for Your Family
  • Money 4: Be Careful with Debt
  • Money 5: Tithing
  • Money 6: Love Your Neighbor
  • Money 7: Where Scripture Collides
  • Money 8: Taxes
  • Money 9: Faith and Financial Planning